You may think the title is a mistake, but it's not. This is a happy blog post. And I don't just mean a positive one. I mean, it's genuinely about me being happy. It's crazy. And I know this happiness may not be long lasting. But all I know is that in this moment, I feel happy. I accomplished some things that I didn't think I would be able to accomplish this week. I conquered a few small, but significant feats. They were personal feats that I wanted to accomplish, but didn't know when I'd be ready to take the plunge. You may have noticed in one of my earlier blogs this year how I mentioned that I had begun a new chapter of my dating life. Well, that was put on a break for a few months up until a few weeks ago. I had gone out and met a few guys a few months after my breakup, but it was still relatively tough for me to get back out there. The reason was that dating was and is still a very challenging task. Meeting new people has never been easy for me. Espe...
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