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Taking a Break

Around the middle of January, I decided to give something up; social media. It wasn't a difficult decision. After years and years of it consuming a huge part of my life and my constant need to have my phone on me at all times made it clear. I needed to stop. Part of it was because I just felt like it was taking over my life. Another reason was that I just relied on it so much to provide some sort of comfort in knowing what people were always up to.

Facebook was always my least favorite and initially was meant to update and connect with family in Mexico and close friends. Well, it turned into more than that and it became a negative source for me over time. I had already deleted my original account and created a new account with only a few select family and friends, but I hastily decided that I needed to rid of it altogether. Next was Instagram. I loved Instagram because it allowed me to share the pictures I took, which I absolutely love to do. But with all the new updates over the years, I decided to step away from it because I found myself on it constantly. Always living vicariously through others photos and constantly comparing my life to others.

Twitter is the only one I didn't delete or deactivate. The reason is that it is probably the only one that I feel so emotionally connected to because I've actually met some cool people through there. I can't seem to quite let it go. I'll admit, I have logged onto my account on various occasions, but only for a minute or two. I don't feel the need to stay on it for too long or even tweet. It's currently private and I don't know if I will be active on it or not anytime soon.

So far, for the past couple of weeks without social media, I've felt a lot freer. I felt like it was holding me down because I constantly needed to know what people were up to. It felt very much like a stalker in the sense that we have a way to track people almost all the time. That's our main form of communication now. Always knowing what people are up to. I know it's not all bad. I know people use it to promote themselves and I may even need to go back to it if I need to promote myself one day. But for now, I can do without it. I can do without the need to stay up to date. I can do without the constant updating. I can do without my phone. Not entirely, of course. You never know when you will need it for an emergency or just to text or call. But I can be fine without constantly checking it.

Sometimes you have to look around you and eliminate everything that's making you feel like you've lost a part of yourself. You need to take a moment and focus on the things that truly matter. Change is necessary even if it's a small change.


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