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Moving Forward

I know life doesn't change one day from the next or one week from the next. But I can at least say that life does change at least in small ways each day. The last week has been relatively better than the past few combined. I'm extremely grateful for the way this year has shaped out to be simply because everything that was thrown my way has impacted my growth moving forward.

I can't say that life will be completely better from now on. I don't know that. I just know that I have to take small steps each day towards making that happen. I'm done dwelling on the past. Part of growing up is letting go of everything that's caused pain. And to do so, you need to forgive, forget and move on. 

I'm not perfect. I'm not blaming anyone or anything. Shit happens. And this year has been a prime example of how making changes and taking risks can create an impact. Honestly, if someone had told me a year ago that I would have three new ear piercings, a hairstyle change (from light brown, to purple, to short hair), a tattoo (what?!) and a rebuilt sense of confidence, I would have called said person crazy. Perhaps my biggest mistake has been to be afraid of taking chances. I've never been one to go outside of my comfort zone and do things with a carefree attitude.

And I'm still not fully there. I still struggle most days to shake the fear off. But somehow I've managed. Shortly after my birthday, I decided that I was going to make some drastic changes in the way I approached life in the coming year. I do not want to continue making the same mistakes.

One of my main priorities for the coming year is traveling. I've decided that I will travel to as many places as possible in the coming year. One travel location is already scheduled with many more in mind. I don't want to throw out a bunch of things that I'm hoping to do because I most likely won't unless I keep it to myself. For now, it's all about taking these next couple of weeks left in the year to contemplate and continue focusing on myself. It's a new day today and it will be a new day tomorrow. The coming weeks and months will be full of many new opportunities and I plan not to let them go to waste.

Watch out world (or at least the USA for now).


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