Sometimes we go through things beyond our understanding. Life throws us in different directions. Many times, obstacles are put in front of us. We have to learn to overcome change, grief, fear, and challenges. We don't know why we are put here. We don't know why we meet people. Why we befriend them or fall in love. And why sometimes, things fall apart. People get taken away from us. But I'm a firm believer that there's a reason for everything. We have to go through the difficult times to learn to overcome them and know how to get through them the next time. People come into our lives to brighten them, to teach us things, to understand them better. We don't know when our time will come. But I believe it's up to us to make the most of our lives. To inspire. To hope that we brought something into the world. That we made a difference in someone's life. That even if tomorrow isn't promised, we made the most of today. And that's all matters. The ocean is endless, ongoing and unbothered. The waves ripple through causing the water to move forward. Just like the ocean, we have to learn to move forward. As sad as you might be today, as afraid as you might be, just remember, "life goes on and so must we."
Sometimes we go through things beyond our understanding. Life throws us in different directions. Many times, obstacles are put in front of us. We have to learn to overcome change, grief, fear, and challenges. We don't know why we are put here. We don't know why we meet people. Why we befriend them or fall in love. And why sometimes, things fall apart. People get taken away from us. But I'm a firm believer that there's a reason for everything. We have to go through the difficult times to learn to overcome them and know how to get through them the next time. People come into our lives to brighten them, to teach us things, to understand them better. We don't know when our time will come. But I believe it's up to us to make the most of our lives. To inspire. To hope that we brought something into the world. That we made a difference in someone's life. That even if tomorrow isn't promised, we made the most of today. And that's all matters. The ocean is endless, ongoing and unbothered. The waves ripple through causing the water to move forward. Just like the ocean, we have to learn to move forward. As sad as you might be today, as afraid as you might be, just remember, "life goes on and so must we."
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