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New Semester

I haven't written a blog for a while. The reason was that I wanted to take a break from going online during my break. Since I'll be using my computer extensively now that I'm back in school, I decided to write a blog today.

So far, my classes have been ok. It's too soon to judge based on the fact that I've only attended one lecture for each of my classes. I've only been introduced to what we'll be doing over the course of the semester so there's not a lot going on right now. I am a little anxious and concerned about the amount of work I'll be having. I hope I can keep up with it all because I have a tendency to procrastinate which I know isn't a good thing. I guess I've just gotten used to working under pressure which can be a good thing and a bad thing in some cases. Speaking of getting work done on time, I should probably start my homework due tomorrow lol. I might not be able to blog once a week, but I'll try to update whenever I get the chance!


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