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Reflections and Recommendations

I have noticed a pattern of me tending to post on Thursdays so I might make Thursdays the official blog day. I don't have a lot to say. It's been a long week, but I'm thankful that I get to take three days off this weekend and after that it'll be Thanksgiving. My school semester is almost over so I'm looking forward to that and relaxing over the holidays. I'm going to be getting pretty busy after Thanksgiving though since it'll be Finals week soon after that. But for now, I will try to make the most of my time off.

I know my last blog was really negative, but to put a positive spin to this one, I decided that I would still watch the X Factor. I was glad to see Carly in her more natural element this week and was blown away by her performance last night. I was really impressed with Vino Alan as well. I think those are my two favorites at the moment. I would like to say that I enjoyed Jennel's performance, but I think the song was a bad choice. I really am disappointed by Demi's mentoring, so I'm hoping for the best for Jennel. I will just say that I'm looking forward to seeing the contestants grow and become more comfortable as the season goes by.

I'll try not to talk just about the X Factor, I just thought I should get that out there. I think instead I'll end the blog with a few books that I recommend to read. I know everyone has different tastes, but in case you are looking for something to read, here's a few books that I have read this semester and find really interesting.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer: It's both humorous and sad, but definitely a page turner. It's become one of my all time favorite novels.

The Road by Cormac McCarthy: It's a haunting and chilling novel based on the aftermath of a post-apocalyptic world that revolves around a boy and his father who are trying to survive. If you decide to read this book, I advise you not to read it at night. It can be pretty intense.

Never Let Me Go by Kazou Ishiguro: Another sort of futuristic novel about clones living in a dystopian world.

The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald: If you haven't read this yet, you should. The language is amazing and the story is short and simple, yet fascinating. It's one of my new favorites.

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway: Another classic novel mainly about people traveling around Europe, but there's so much more to it that makes it worth reading.

And here's two of my favorite novels that I've read in the past:

Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen: I really love Jane Austen so I'm biased here, but I just love the way this novel is written.

Holes by Louis Sachar: This is considered a young adults novel, but I read it in middle school and I really loved the story. Even though it's a simple book, I guess that's what drew me to it. The movie is one of my favorites and I also recommend it if you haven't seen it yet.


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