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Showing posts from March, 2017


"It is never too late or too soon. It is when it is supposed to be." -Mitch Albom. This quote is from a book I recently read, The Time Keeper. It resonates with me more now than before. We live in a time where we worry about time going too fast or too slow. We worry about not having enough time. The truth is that life is short. Rather than worry about how fast or slow something is going, we should focus on the present. Time is constantly ticking. And often we forget that we live once. We shouldn't focus on time itself. If we do, we get lost in it and miss out on many things that life has to offer. People will judge and criticize, but it's up to you to decide when you want to move forward.

Overcoming Fear

The saying is true: "Good things come to those who wait." I used to think it was just a saying people went by without really believing in it. It was one of those things that I said to myself, and wanted to believe, but couldn't. I spent most of my childhood being afraid of opening up to people. Some people call it shyness. Doctors will call it social anxiety. I will simply call it letting fear get the best of me. This is not to dismiss my anxiety disorder or any type of disorder. But I don't want that to be how I define myself. I've spent most of my life wondering why I was different. Why I couldn't be as outgoing like all the other kids. Or why I couldn't make friends as easily. But I never stopped and wondered why I thought it was a bad thing. I guess it comes with the stigma that if something is wrong with you, then you're not normal. Whatever normal even means. I can't remember the moment I thought to myself, "I'm not crazy, I'm ...