What does it mean to write with passion? It all started one day when I was creating a tumblr page. I was trying to come up with a name for my page. My original attempt was "passionate writer." After that didn't work, I tried to come up with different variations of it such as, "passion writer" which was already taken so I tried "writing with passion," which was also taken. So I thought, "What about 'to write with passion.'' It worked. To be honest, at first, I didn't like the sound of it. It didn't seem right to start a title with the word "to." Being the English major that I am, it bothered me that I was starting the sentence with a conjunction. But, of course, English has taught me that you may break the rules and according to one website, it's recommended to start sentences with a conjunction in order to be a good writer. I'm digressing, but now that I look back, I feel as though this title not only suits my...